Tuesday, December 4, 2018

English language

Well, I did not exempt of any English course, so the first English courses we did homework almost all classes for example, write in English half a page, on a topic related to the class. It was similar to what we did in this fourth English course but we did not use the computer, then we only used words that we knew and one or another word we asked. We also sang in English and it was very entertaining. The last courses were also entertaining because we talked with each other and several activities, but the topic of blogs I find it difficult to express myself and find correct words, so it took me a while to write them.

I  have a lot of things to learn, for example the topic of pronunciation, for my part, at school  never taught me well to pronounce and at the university neither but I plan to learn on the Internet with English dictionaries online. Also I do not know all the verbs thing that is very important and with more reason I can't understand when someone speaks to me in English. I could improve this dedicating more time to English, watching videos on YouTube with subtitles, reading books in English, talking to people who know English and can help me with pronunciation, among other things.

In the future I want to do an English course but from the basics to learn in a better way because I would really love to speak this language fluently and share with people who know it too. In addition, English is very important have it incorporated because is a universal language.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


I think it could change or modify the subjects of the career that are made in the first 2 years of the career Food Engineering, because they could have more content of the subjects that we will have in the future, to know if we really like it or not , the career. Also do extracurricular outings, it would be very motivating and entertaining to learn well.

In relation to the faculty I would change the infrastructure, build a big casino and that they accept JUNAEB because there is only one casino that accepts this card and it is always full, it is terrible. Also do second floor in the library because when the exam dates are close, it is full and there is no place to study.

The teaching method maybe it is good, but for me it is complicated, maybe I still do not get used to the rhythm of the university or I do not know. I find that it is accelerated, There are many contents in such a short time and I mentally collapse. I think that it could increase the time of some subjects that are more complex and intense and decrease others that do not require much time.

The academic workload per semester I think is fine, that one is delayed by failing subjects, it is not the fault of the academic load, here the only culprit is oneself and be disorganized. But it would be good if all the subjects were semester-long and not annual so as not to be delayed too.

The technology here at the faculty I think is well implemented, I do not see necessary more than what it have.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

My opinions

Many of the programs that are on television have a degree of violence in their content and many of these programs are watched by young children. For my part I do not agree with violence except in programs that are for minors, I think that children copy everything they see and hear, and if they are constantly watching television they are likely to behave violently.

About buying instead of adopting pets, I think it is better to adopt a pet because it is a decision of its own and is independent of having or not money to have it. I also think that people who do not have money to buy a pet also have the right to have one, and the best option would be to adopt.

Here, in our country exist a high number of immigrants and I think that I do not completely agree because they come with a very high expectation of finding a job and that they would  be fine economically, but that is something that we, as Chilean, do not have. They even go through very bad treatment by some Chileans and this should not be happening.

About the women in the military, I think it is very good that the woman is integrated into the militia because it shows that we women can also have the same role like a man as a military, having the same tasks and difficulties that arise in this place , for example excessive exercise, extreme schedules and gun control.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


There are many cartoons that I like, and I would be talking about them for a long time, but my favorite is The Simpsons that they broadcast on television and you can also find it on the Internet. I remember when I was little I watched these cartoons with my brother, it was great because we laughed and we shared the time together, this I miss him :(.

I always watch The Simpsons the weekend in the morning, while I have breakfast.

The role of cartoons in my life is that some gave me teaching and I think that the most appropriate way when one is small, is learn in this way because it is entertaining for children. Also many of the times I watched cartoons was with my older brother and we always remember this when we got together at home.

I do not remember seeing cartoons with my parents when I was little, I remember that I only watched with my brother. With my brother we watched Shin Chan, it's about the life of a boy of  5 year old naughty, clever and intelligent. He always makes his mom mad and has a very adorable little sister and naughty like him. Shin Chan sometimes repeats things that adults do unashamedly, even shows his buttocks and dances.

I like to talk with my friends about cartoons because you always laugh at the things that happen in it or comment on some parts. You can also recommend others that are good.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

My post-title

I'm not sure what course to take because I still do not fall in love with this career, food engineering. I'm hoping to have career subjects to know if I really like and keep studying this. I hope to finish this career because it is very beautiful, it has many areas in which I can specialize, one of the ones I like most is the area of ​​Management, Quality and Food Safety because in the school I had a subject related to Quality. In this subject we did research work in companies, where we had to talk to the Quality Control Manager about the standards they had in the company and why they used them, it was very interesting and entertaining. For this reason I like this area and would like to learn more. Then after having my degree, I believe that I will work a time to save money and then I will do a post title in Management, Quality and Food Safety.

I would love to study in another country, meet other people, varied knowledge that relate to what I want to study, but, but, there is always a but, I think I will not have enough money to go, nor stay there, then the best and most reasonable I would study here in Chile.

Because I will be working, I would like to study part-time or study during the day and work in the afternoons.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

My future work

I would like to work in the area of ​​research related to food. I imagine myself in a laboratory doing different types of experiments, ingeniously and questioning everything that happens around me and how to solve it. I do not like closed places but the laboratory is an exception. It would be great to travel a lot to different countries, meet them and interact with people who are interested in the same thing as me.
As for the salary, it would be fine if the investigation were paid, but I think that is not the case everywhere, because the state does not finance it, so this would be a challenge, I would have to get together with other people to raise money and do the research. If it turns out, we'll have money spare.
I am studying food engineering, because of this, I imagine myself in this type of work, maybe in the future I will change my mind and do not want to work in the research area, but in quality management or being a teacher. I like this degree because it has several options in which one can specialize. 

I think maybe it will be exhausting, challenging and maybe I will not sleep thinking about the possible solutions, but I would like to have this experience, to realize that I can really help society with some food or prevent many.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Nanoparticles in food packaging

Exists is a great variety of nanomaterials in the market that include nanoparticles of titanium nitride, silver nanoparticles and nano-zinc oxide, nano-clay and nano-titanium dioxide that are present as functional additives for the food packaging industry.

These nanoparticles are of great importance in the area of ​​food and food engineering because they are perishable products and their contamination and degradation can occur at any stage of the food chain. Besides, the presence of infectious organisms in food can cause intoxication. So, it is very important to use a good quality packing material, which is safe, cost-effective and non-toxic.

Nanotechnology applied to diet is of great impact on human wellbeing because it ensures that we are consuming a safe food, which will not cause any damage to health and confidence in buying these products.

I did not know the nanoparticles until now, I knew that some packaging had properties that helped the quality of the food but not that they had nanoparticles.

I really like the subject of food packaging, which is why I chose nanomaterials that include nanoparticles that help improve the quality of food. I always think that better packaging could be made and I hope one day to create a very good one to help the environment.